Hello! Today I’m sharing a fun cookie recipe that’s perfect for having fun with shapes and decorations.
Delicious and delicate cookie, a hint of cinnamon, a bit of marmalade and lemon icing. I used two different homemade marmalades, apricot and plum, both versions are delicious!
At first, I set out to make these cookies in a snowflake shape, but after trying my new reindeer cutter, I preferred those more.
About the glaze. The consistency should be not too liquid and not too thick. Add as much water as you need to get a lava consistency that will nicely coat the cookies, help it spread out with a spoon if you have to.
(makes a lot of cookies)
300 g flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
150 g butter at room temperature
100 g powdered sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon zest
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
+ marmalade
250 g powdered sugar
juice of 1 lemon
1-2 tbsp hot water
+ pearls for decoration
Put the flour, sugar, and butter in a bowl. With your hands, rub the flour and sugar into the butter until you get something similar to coarse breadcrumbs. Add all the other ingredients and mix (with your hands or with a hand mixer on low speed) just until you get a uniform dough. Wrap it with cling film and put in the fridge (or outside if it’s cold) for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 175°C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Take the dough from the fridge and roll it out to 2-3 mm thickness. Remember to flour the dough and the surface on which you will roll out the dough. Cut out desired shapes with cookie cutters. Keep in mind that you should make the same number of big cookies which are the base and small cookies that go on top of the big one. Place on the prepared baking sheet and bake for around 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool the cookies.
Mix powdered sugar with the lemon juice and add as much hot water as you need to get the consistency of hot lava.
Glue the small cookie onto a big one with some marmalade. Place a piece of baking paper or aluminum foil under a wire rack. Place the cookies on a wire rack and pour the glaze over them. Decorate with pearls, sprinkles, chocolate or something else. Leave the glaze to set and enjoy :).
Keep the cookies in an airtight container.
Recipe adapted from: Najboljši piškoti, Alenka Kodele
Piškoti s cimetom in limonino glazuro
300 g moke
2 žlički pecilnega praška
¼ žličke soli
150 g masla na sobni temperaturi
100 g sladkorja v prahu
1 jajce
1 rumenjak
1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta
1 žlička limonine lupine
¾ žličke cimeta
½ žličke pimenta
+ marmelada
250 g sladkor v prahu
sok 1 limone
1-2 žlici vroče vode
+ perlice za dekoracijo
V posodo daj moko, sladkor in maslo. Z rokami vtri maslo v moko in sladkor tako, da dobiš nekaj podobnega grobim drobtinam. Dodaj ostale sestavine in pregneti testo ravno toliko, da so sestavine dobro premešane in se testo drži skupaj. Oblikuj testo v ploščat krog in ga zavij v prozorno folijo. Postavi na hladno za eno uro.
Ogrej pečico na 175°C in postavi papir za peko na pekač. Razvaljaj testo na 2-3 milimetre debelo. Ne pozabi pomokati testo in pod njim preden začneš valjat. S poljubnimi modelčki za piškote izreži enako število večjih in manjših piškotov. Jaz sem uporabila velik krog in jelenčka. Piškote polagaj na pripravljen pekač in peci okoli 10 minut oz. dokler piškoti ne dobijo svetlo rjave barve. Ohladi piškote.
Zmešaj sladkor in limonin sok, nato dodaj toliko vroče vode, da dobiš kot lava tekoč preliv.
Prilepi majhen piškot na velikega z nekaj marmelade. Postavi papir za peko ali aluminijasto folijo pod rešetko za pečico. Postavi piškote na rešetko in jih prelij z glazuro. Pomagaj si z žlico lepo razporediti glazuro po celem piškotu. Ponovi z vsemi piškoti, če zmanjka glazure jo strgaj iz papirja za peko pod piškoti. Okrasi piškote s perlicami ali katerimi drugimi posipi in počakaj, da se glazura strdi. Piškote shrani v nepredušni posodi.
Prijetno sladkanje :)!
Cinnamon cookies with a lemon glaze
- 300 g flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 150 g butter at room temperature
- 100 g powdered sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 3/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp allspice
- + marmalade
- 250 g powdered sugar
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1-2 tbsp hot water
- + pearls for decoration
- Put the flour, sugar, and butter in a bowl. With your hands, rub the flour and sugar into the butter until you get something similar to coarse breadcrumbs.
- Add all the other ingredients and mix (with your hands or with a hand-mixer on low speed) just until you get a uniform dough. Wrap it with cling film and put in the fridge (or outside if it’s cold) for 1 hour.
- Preheat the oven to 175°C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Take the dough from the fridge and roll it out to 2-3 mm thickness. Remember to flour the dough and the surface on which you will roll out the dough.
- Cut out desired shapes with cookie cutters. Keep in mind that you should make the same number of big cookies which are the base and small cookies that go on top of the big one. Place on the prepared baking sheet and bake for around 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool the cookies.
- Mix powdered sugar with the lemon juice and add as much hot water as you need to get the consistency of hot lava.
- Glue the small cookie onto a big one with some marmalade. Place a piece of baking paper or aluminum foil under a wire rack. Place the cookies on a wire rack and pour the glaze over them.
- Decorate with pearls, sprinkles, chocolate or something else. Leave the glaze to set and enjoy :).
- Keep the cookies in an airtight container.
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